Saturday, April 19, 2008

First post, presenting and inviting

This first post it to tell what is happening in the com/">main site. I'm trying to found at least a good looking template to use, I'm not a web designer and will use some free tools and designs, you could send us yours! I'll give it a test.

In the same philosphy, I will use the free resources on the web (Blogspot, Google, etc), I don't have financial support to this and if I could spend money I prefer to buy books or make a travel to visit something related.

the albums are of public access. And here the first album:

Please excuse me if each word it's not correct but I'm not a native english speaker I will do my best to be clear. Mainly, the documents sources are in other languages than english, I can read a little bit of German but cannot write nor speak. So my language preference is in this order: Spanish, Portuguese, English, Deutsch, Googlish.

Cheers and welcome! (wilkommen! bem-vindos! benvenuto! benvinguts! bienvenidos!)

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